Furniture Makers Association
The Furniture Makers Association was founded in 1972 by a small group of craft-based furniture designers and makers, and is unique in being the only county-based furniture association in the country.
With a current membership of seven, the group's work ranges from 17th century style, through garden and country furniture, the classical and ultra modern, to complete interiors. The association can also offer carving, gilding and restoration skills to a very high standard. The public has an opportunity to meet the makers and see their work at exhibitions in the County. The next one is due to beheld in Burnham Market over the weekend of April 18th-19 2009
Many prestigious commissions have been undertaken by members of the association including work for the Royal Family, the University of East Anglia, Lord Bath, Norwich Cathedral, the Anglican shrine at Walsingham and the White House.
A total of ten Craft Guild Marks have been awarded to members by the Worshipful Company Of Furniture Makers, which illustrates the excellence of the members' work.