Jon Beer

Welcome to DesignerMakers.Org.Uk (DMOU)

This site is run by a group of leading furniture Designer Makers in the UK. Mostly we design and make contemporary bespoke furniture to commission - see About Us, and the History Of Designer Makers for an introduction to the contemporary .

See the Navigation Bar on the left for the main parts of this site. Member Profiles is a listing of most of furniture designer makers who are currently members, complete with links to information about them, usually including their own website. Whats On is a page listing forthcoming exhibitions and events featuring Designer Maker furniture. You can also subscribe to one of our Mailing Lists there to be notified of such events.

A useful page is the Site Map, from which you can navigate the whole site. See also the other links on the left, including Contact Us for contacting those involved in Designer Makers . Org . UK